Thursday, February 14, 2013

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Shea Turns 5!

We celebrated Shea's fifth birthday this weekend.  
It was a fun party, and we were introduced to the 
"Wild Kratts" with the theme this year.  

There was boundless energy with all 5 kids, 
ranging in age from 5 to 1-1/2. 

 Liam, Layla, Grady, Eli, Shea

 Gift opening


 Blowing out the candles
Eli enjoyed checking out his new "Wild Kratts" vest, complete with interchangeable animal badges.  His bag of party favors also included animal fun fact cards, a safari animal book, along with a few other treats. 

Thursday, February 7, 2013

A High Five to the Two Lovebirds

For the longest time now, I have been working on giving a "high five" with Eli.  I started trying this out with him after it seemed like EVERYONE asked him to give them a high five when we were out and about; family, friends, and strangers alike.  He would always just look at them like they were crazy.  No promises on him doing it on command, but at least this is a start:)

A "high five" also goes out to the two lovebirds, recently engaged!  

Congratulations to Megan and Jeff!!