Now that the holidays are winding down, here is a look back
at our Christmas celebrations this year:
Getting ready for Grandma Mary's and Papa Ron's
Eli enjoyed pushing Betty around.
Liam, Seamus, Elijah, Betty
He loved his new four-wheeler!
Christmas Eve
We celebrated at Aunt Connie's.
Liam, Seamus, Elijah, Layla
Checking out the new stacking blocks from Connie
Last year on Christmas Day:

This year, Christmas Day:
Opening presents from Santa
All ready to go to Grandma and Grandpa's
(He wouldn't sit in front of the tree by himself, so I had to sit with him.)
He loved to sit on top of all the big boxes.
Now he even has his very own Harley!
"Blondie" the horse!
Despite the expression on his face, he really did like his new horse.
Aunt Laurie stopped by for a visit.
He also got a lot of new books with flaps, his favorite.
Some of my cousins also stopped over.
New Year's Eve, our final celebration:
Sitting on Uncle Mike's lap
Learning how to take pictures. He loved to see the flash go off.
Playing with his new car carrier from Samuel