Friday, November 27, 2015

One Month

We have reached Aliyah's one-month mark today.  It has been a busy 4 weeks, but we are growing accustomed to having a new baby once again.  The 4-year age difference between Elijah and Aliyah seems to be working out well for us as he is able to understand her needs and limitations and also keep himself entertained when necessary.  Eli truly adores his baby sister and enjoys being by her side on the floor, holding her, "reading" books to her, and showing her different toys.  I love to listen to him talk to her as he raises the pitch in his voice.  I even find him saying the same types of things to her as we do.  I think he will continue to be a compassionate and protective big brother.

This second time around, I feel more competent as a parent, whereas with Eli I was always wondering and worrying whether he was eating enough or too much or whether his sleep patterns were normal.  I have found myself being able to enjoy the newborn stage more with Aliyah with much less worry.

When we left the hospital with Aliyah, she weighed 8 pounds.  When the nurse came to visit the next day at home, she weighed 7 pounds, 15 ounces and then was back up to her birth weight of 8 pounds, 6 ounces at her 2-week followup appointment placing her in the 59th percentile.  Right around the 3-week mark, she finally grew out of newborn clothes whereas Eli was able to wear 0 to 3 month sized clothes from birth.  We received a few newborn outfits as gifts, but otherwise, I wasn't as prepared for a smaller baby this time as for sizes since I only stocked up on 0 to 3-month outfits to begin with; thankfully, Megan gave us a huge assortment of newborn sized clothes Emma had already grown out of that Aliyah was able to use for the first month.

As for her eating habits, she takes 3 ounces of formula at room temperature every 3 hours during the day and every 3 to 4 hours at night.  Starting this week for a few nights in a row, she slept for longer stretches of 4 to 6 hours only waking up to eat once instead of the usual 2 times.  Once in a while she will even wake up crying, to the minute, exactly 3 hours after she last ate.  I remember Eli would do this, too.  Yay for scheduled babies as this mom loves to stick to a routine and strict schedule!

Aliyah still spends the majority of her day sleeping.  She is a very sound sleeper and is not easily disturbed even by loud noises.  She is able to transition well and stay asleep even if she is taken from her crib and put in her car seat if we need to go somewhere.  She sleeps well in her crib and can fall asleep on her own if she is put in there still awake but ready to fall asleep.  She will usually go right back to sleep after the nighttime feedings.  Her most awake and alert periods during the day are in the morning when she first gets up for the day for a couple hours and then again later on in the day for a few hours before she settles back into her crib for the night.

Her favorite sleeping position; even if her arms are tucked into her blanket she always manages to pull them out. 

Among Aliyah's favorites are listening to Eli talk to her and being nestled in someone's arms.  She is not a big fan of being placed on a blanket on the floor when she is awake and will only stay content in either her swing or bouncer seat for brief periods of time.  Car rides are soothing for her as she usually falls right to sleep in her car seat and will stay asleep. 

Aliyah is gaining more strength in her neck and can lift her head up and look around when she is placed on her stomach.  She has a mild temperament and has been a good eater and sleeper throughout this first month of her life.

A few visitors stopped by during Aliyah's first month; Barb and Dennis, Eli's first daycare provider, along with Haley and Elsa, Eli's little daycare friend. 

Dear Aliyah,

You are the perfect addition to our family.  Your big brother, Eli, loves spending time with you.  You have been a very good baby so far.  We are excited to continue to watch you grow and change as you develop into your own little person. 

I promise to be the best mother I can be to both you and your brother.  Even when my patience wears thin at times, your dad is there to step in with his calm and mild mannered approach.  Some days can be a challenge attempting to balance working from home and raising 2 kids, but each day is a new beginning and opportunity to start over again.  We are so thankful to be on this journey of parenthood with you and your brother by our side. 



Sunday, November 15, 2015

Aliyah's Baptism

This past weekend, Aliyah Ann was baptized at Saturday night mass at Sacred Heart Church.  Father incorporated the baptism during the mass.  Leading up to this day in thinking about Aliyah's baptismal gown, I really wanted to have my wedding dress used to create a gown for her, but all 3 of the seamstresses I tried were too busy at the time to take on the task, so I found a dress for her online that somewhat resembled the design of my dress on the bottom and added the purple ribbon just like I had as the sash on my own wedding dress.  I also used flower centerpieces from our wedding since we had silk flowers as another detail to connect the two sacraments of matrimony and baptism.  

Ian's friend AJ and my sister Jamie were chosen as Aliyah's godparents.  They were also paired up as part of our wedding party, just as my sister Megan and Ian's brother Jamie were chosen as Eli's godparents and also were partners for our wedding.

After mass, we came back to our house for supper with a menu that consisted of baked potato soup and chili, garlic breadsticks, Caesar salad, mixed fruit, and vanilla pudding/Oreo dessert along with cherry chip cake.

It was an enjoyable night spent with family as we celebrated Aliyah's first sacrament of initiation.