Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Nine months seems like a really loooong time...

39 Weeks

While it seems like I have been pregnant FOREVER at this point, the end is in sight with the due date fast approaching in less than a week on Monday! At my last 2 appointments, the cervix was still closed but thinning out, so there has not been as much progress as I would have hoped, but everyone keeps telling me he will come out when he is ready.

According to Ian, Elijah has the perfect environment right now; in his words "climate control and a self-feeding system," so he thinks that Eli is perfectly content to stay inside for a while longer yet.

While brainstorming ideas for this blog post, I have compiled a list of things I will miss and things I will not miss about being pregnant:

Things I will miss:
*Watching and feeling Eli's little movements
*Knowing I am carrying a human life inside me
*The easiness of taking care of a baby still in the womb
and taking him everywhere with me
*Listening to the heartbeat at the doctors' appointments

Things I will not miss:
*Rotating from side to side sleeping at night
and still not finding a comfortable position
*Itchy abdomen
*Frequent flare-ups of heartburn
*Waddling instead of walking
*Bumping into things with "the bump"
*Abstaining from fruity cocktails (especially in the summer:)

Even strangers are starting to get curious now...The following are some random conversations I have had recently or overheard relating to these last couple weeks of pregnancy:

In the elevator going to my doctor's appointment last week:
Nice young lady: "Usually I don't ask this, but how far along are you?"
Me: "38 weeks."
Nice young lady: "Wow! You are really out there!"

Also in the (much more crowded) elevator on my way to yesterday's appointment:
Middle-aged lady with a teenage son: "When is your due date?"
Me: "A week from today."
Middle-aged lady with a teenage son: "It looks like it!"
Me: "Well it sure feels like it too!"

Last but not least while navigating my cart down an aisle in Wal-Mart past a mom with 3 young kids:
Toddler boy speaking loudly in my direction: "Mommy, there's a BABY in that belly!!"
Me: No response. Just smile and keep walking.

Now that the nursery is ready (since February), the house has been cleaned, groceries stocked, childbirth class attended, pregnancy books and websites read, hospital bags packed, car seat installed, special prayers and blessings from Father (times 2), and countless of my own prayers said in hopes of a safe and healthy labor and birth of our baby boy, I think we are ready for this life-changing experience. Ian has even conquered his to-do list I created for him. I'm still waiting for that final nesting instinct to kick in, but in the meantime we will continue to enjoy our life as a couple before we become a family of three.


  1. To Elijah...my precious nephew...the future light of my world I can't wait to share so many memories with and watch you through your journey of life-

    I have been excited since day 1 of finding out you were the next addition to our family. No one can come close to explaining the UNCONDITIONAL love and care you have been and are about to be overtaken by from all of us, but mostly your proud, loving parents.

    As the time is winding down I’m still constantly thinking of the emotions I’ll be overwhelmed with when I first have you in my arms! Being the youngest in the family, I never got the chance to hold a precious bundle of joy such as you are soon to be for the first time.

    On days I find myself struggling, all it takes is one simple thought of your arrival that gives me the umph I need to pull through the struggle and look forward to the days ahead and endless memories we will share.

    The second I hear you are on your way to finally meet us I will be FLYING to Dubuque in my Focus I got from your Mom that runs like a dream..so good thing it’s FAST! ☺

    The last thing I have to say for now is HURRY UP AND COME MEET US ALREADY!! ☺

    -Unconditional Love to All!! <3

  2. Sounds like you're about ready for that baby to make his debut :) I'm so glad that things are going well, and I hope that labor and delivery go as easily as possible for you. I probably shouldn't even be commenting, considering I'm not sure if we're even still friends since you haven't responded to my recent text messages ;) Just kidding, I know how full your mind gets as D-Day gets closer. Do your best to enjoy the last few days of just being Ian and Molly, it'll never be the same again. I can't wait to meet the little peanut!
