Monday, August 29, 2011

Two Months

Today, we took Elijah to his 2-month doctor's appointment. He weighed in at 14 pounds and measured 24-1/2 inches long, placing him in the 92nd percentile for both weight and height. He was a happy boy throughout the appointment, smiling at both the nurse and the doctor when they were talking to him. Then, came the shots at the end; Eli and I both shed some tears, but he recovered very quickly and then slept all the way home.

Eli has increased the amount of formula he takes at a time from 3 to 4 ounces this month. He eats about every 3 hours and seems to require an occasional "dessert" of 2 extra ounces about an hour after he eats at times.

Around the 6-week mark, he started sleeping through the night. The first night it happened, I remember being so excited to wake up around 4:00 a.m. and realizing it was the first time I had gotten up since I had gone to bed that night! Eli goes to sleep each night around 9:00 and wakes up around 5:00. After the 5:00 feeding, he will usually go back to sleep for another couple hours until 7:00 when he is up for the day. His napping pattern still varies. He will usually take 2 long naps during the day, one in the morning and one in the afternoon, or several shorter ones throughout the day.

Eli's favorite sleeping position

Eli's favorites still include stroller rides and car rides. He also really likes being outside. He loves being talked to and is much more interactive now and also shows more interest in both books and toys. Bath time is now a more enjoyable time for him.

Size 2 diapers have made their way onto the pile on the changing table. I might have used the size 1s just a little longer than I needed to in order to get them all used up before moving up to the "big boy" diapers. It also looks like it won't be long before Eli's 0-3 month clothing is replaced by the next size in his wardrobe.

The two biggest milestones this month have been smiling and cooing as Elijah has discovered his voice. My favorite part of the day is when he first wakes up in the morning and greets me with a big grin and then responds with his little noises as part of our conversation.

My first video upload attempt...

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Meeting More "Greats," Mingling on the New Deck, and a Motorcycle Ride

On Sunday, Elijah had the opportunity to meet his Great Grandma VanHamme and Great Uncle John. They were both very excited to meet him for the first time.

Then, we visited Aunt Megan to check out her new deck. The whole family came over to visit. The perfect weather allowed us to sit outside and mingle while taking in the new sights of her backyard including the bubbling pond and the new outdoor furniture...

...and in case you're wondering about how the "motorcycle ride" comes into play from the blog post title, Grandpa Bob decided to take off on Megan's Harley for a ride.

One last picture from the day created on (I think I could spend hours on this website editing pictures and even longer if I upgraded from the free to the "premium" membership).

P.S. to Jamie: They actually had the "aviator" sunglasses to add to pictures, but you had to have the premium membership to choose those, so I had to settle on

Monday, August 15, 2011

Elijah Joseph's Baptism

This past Sunday Elijah was baptized at Sacred Heart Church in Lost Nation. We are very fortunate there is a Catholic church right here in town that we can attend. Fr. Greg did a really nice job incorporating the sacrament into the mass itself from having us in the entrance procession to including Eli in the prayer intentions. Afterwards, we ate brunch at the Pub Club and then went back to our house for the gift opening and cake. It was a great day!

The Sabers Family

The McDonald Family

Godparents Jamie McDonald & Megan Sabers along with Fr. Greg Steckel