Sunday, January 29, 2012

Seven Months

Eli's seventh month has been more of a quiet one without too much activity, especially after all the Christmas festivities during December. Over this past month, Eli's schedule has become much more consistent, where he eats and sleeps at the same time every day. I think with the start of eating solid food, this has helped create a much more routine schedule every day.

As for his eating patterns, his formula still provides the majority of his calories every day, but he takes less formula at meal time. He is still trying out new fruits and vegetables twice a day for lunch and supper. This past month he has added new vegetables to his menu: Carrots, peas, which were not his favorite; he did much better when I mixed in some formula with it, and green beans, which he loved! He also tried fruits for the first time. With both the apples and pears, it took a few different tries until he seemed to like these better. He loved the peaches, though, which surprised me because they had such a strong smell unlike the applesauce and pears. He has been spitting up much less lately but still drools quite a bit with no sign of any teeth yet. I tried giving him some water in a sippy cup, but I think it will be a while before he really learns how to get anything out of it. He would rather just play with it and throw it on the ground, so I think I will wait and try again with this task later.

Eli's sleeping pattern is still the same. He will usually nap for an hour in the morning and 2 hours in the afternoon. He is still sleeping really well throughout the night from 7:00 to about 6:30 or 7:00 in the morning.

Eli is still a very active boy playing with all his toys. He also really enjoys playing peek-a-boo, pat-a-cake, and looking at himself in the mirror. He laughs much more now; not just when he is tickled. Sometimes I am stumped as to what he could possibly be laughing at, but I guess he is able to find humor in things very easily. He is generally a very happy, active boy:)

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