Monday, March 12, 2012

Eli's Babbles

Last night, Eli started to truly babble (versus the normal noises like his squeals of delight and of course the whine). I have been waiting for this since around the 6-month mark when my What to Expect the First Year book mentioned that babies may "possibly be able to" combine vowel and consonant sounds like ma-ma and da-da. I know there is still no meaning attached to the sounds yet, but it is exciting to hear him experiment with different sounds that will one day blend together to form words! I have also noticed he has been much more attentive to watching my mouth when I talk, just like the book said they would do.

I had previously been checking for teeth on a daily basis, figuring it has to be any day now one will be popping through. Sure enough, this morning I felt the tiniest top of a tooth just starting to make its entrance.

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