Friday, June 29, 2012

One Year


What a milestone!  Elijah has reached his first birthday today.  A lot has changed in this first year of his life!  We are all settled in now in our new home, and we celebrated his first birthday by hosting a small party with our families this past Sunday.  

A couple weeks before the 1-year mark, Eli switched from formula to whole milk.  It was a pretty smooth transition.  While he is completely weaned from the bottle, he is still learning to use the sippy cup.  He needs some help with it at meal times, but otherwise, he can handle it independently when lying down in his crib since he is better able to tilt it to drink from it.  He has enjoyed all the different table food he has tried so far.  His favorites seem to be bread, watermelon, applesauce, and bananas.  For only having 2 teeth, he does really well with some of the foods that are harder to mash, such as the meats.

All his activity during the day must wear him out because he is still sleeping really well throughout the night and takes good, long naps during the day.  He will nap in the morning between 2 to 3 hours and then take an afternoon nap for 2 hours.  He is still going to bed around 8:00 and wakes up between 6:30 and 7:00.   He also does not use the pacifier anymore.

Eli can walk with the assistance of his activity walker across the room but has yet to take those first steps on his own.  He cruises around everywhere by holding on with at least one hand.  I think he realizes he can get places faster by crawling.  At around 11-1/2 months he started waving, and he would wave to Ian when he left for work in the morning.  Then, once he learned how to clap, he stopped waving, and we haven't really seen him wave since.  Maybe he traded one skill for another.  He also used to wave at me all the time when I would be changing his diaper, and now he claps instead during diaper changes.  

Books still keep Eli interested for a long, long time.  He loves books where he can lift the flaps.  When he has choices of different toys and books in front of him, he tends to prefer the books.  He is also interested in toys with sounds and ones with buttons he can push.  Elijah is fascinated by the many mirrors in our house, especially the ones on doors where he can stand up next to them and see himself.  He loves to go inside a room and shut the door, too.  He sure seems to be a typical boy, as he loves to bang on things.  Now that we have a front porch to sit on, we have been spending a lot of time outside where Eli loves to watch the traffic go by.  

Starting next week, Elijah will be going to daycare twice a week.  I think it will be good for him to have the opportunity to interact with other kids on a more frequent basis and be able to spend some time away from me for a little while.  We visited the in-home daycare where he will be going this past week.  At first, he crawled right over to the other kids to check them out and played with some of the toys.  Then, he wasn't so sure about it anymore and kept crying off and on the rest of the time we were there.  Hopefully, it will not take him too long to adjust.  

Elijah has brought so much joy to our lives, and we are so thankful to be blessed with such a happy and healthy little boy:) 


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