Sunday, July 29, 2012

Niabi Zoo from A to Z

Today, we took Eli to visit the zoo for his first time.  He loved taking in all the sights.  His favorite part seemed to be the petting zoo since the animals were up close and at his level.  He also enjoyed the train ride.  Here are the highlights of our trip from A to Z:

This area featured lots of animals native to Australia from kangaroos to different species of birds.

Speaking of birds, the zoo had a lot of noisy ones in their aviary.

Check out this camel who appears to be posing for the camera.

Dad and Eli on the train

(End of the ride)

(I love his little hand hanging on to the back of the seat.)

An eagle (from the backside) and an example of an eagle's nest below:

False alarm...At first, I thought this would be the only picture I would be able to get of an elephant...

...until they decided to mosey outside.

The giraffes were inside.  Along with the elephants, these were probably my favorite animals to see.

Although he got cut off from the picture, this hippo served as a good prop.

Ironic...While at the PETTING zoo, we came across this pig with a sign that read, "This animal may bite."

Just hanging out...


Lazy lions

Mischievous monkeys

Niabi Zoo Entrance


Petting Zoo...Eli's favorite part!

A quirky type of sheep that apparently likes to climb...

Reptile House


The train ride, which gave us a tour of the entire zoo...Eli's other favorite part of the day.

Most unique animal of the day

Vegetables...getting eaten by a porcupine

W is for weather, which was perfect!  Temperatures in the high 70s/low 80s, cloudy and overcast without the intense sun, and low humidity.  

X-tra special little boy who we had a lot of fun with today:)

Y is for yawns, which there were a lot of on the way home, and it didn't take long for Eli to fall asleep for a nice nap.

An alphabetical zoo list would not be complete without Z for zebra.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like such a nice day - brings back lots of memories with my boys. My favorite picture is of the two monkeys - lol :-)
