Tuesday, September 18, 2012


Lately, Eli has been busy...

...taking every single book off the shelves.

...playing peek-a-boo.

...enjoying a cupcake with chocolate frosting...

...and making a big mess.

...listening and dancing to AJ's new songs.

(He really liked his own personal concert.)

...discovering his shadow.  (Can you see the resemblance to Ian in his profile?!)

...going for wagon rides in the yard.

...and doing lots and lots of walking.  I think crawling is now a thing of the past. 
 A couple of weeks ago when I picked Eli up from daycare, the lady that watches him mentioned that he had said "night night" after they were done singing to him before he laid down for his nap.  I thought maybe he had just said the "na-na" sound, but when we got home later that day, he said "night night" quite clearly.  Aside from mama and dada, this was his first real word, although I am a little sad it happened at daycare:(  Now, he only seems to say it when he is really ready for bed.  

He is able to stack the rings on one of his toys, and instead of throwing the blocks out of his shape sorter, he will put them back in the bucket without the lid.  He is able to put the circles in with the lid on top, but we are still working on the other shapes.  

Eli can identify his ears and nose (the book must have worked, Jamie).  Looking at books is still among his favorite things to do, especially books with flaps, which he has worn out on most of them.  If the book he picks up is backwards or upside down, he will turn it around so it is the right side up before opening it.  He loves to look at family pictures, too.  

On the other hand, he has started to throw little tantrums when he does not get his way or is mad about something.  He makes it very clear when he is frustrated or angry.  Diverting his attention or just ignoring him until he calms down seems to help, at least for now.

Eli keeps growing and changing every day.  He is transitioning between babyhood and becoming a toddler quite quickly. 

1 comment:

  1. Such cute pictures, Molly! He is growing up fast, isn't he?
