Thursday, May 2, 2013

Warmer Weather

We have found ourselves outside a lot more lately with the warmer temperatures.  Eli loves to play outside and could entertain himself out there for countless hours.  He never stops moving, going from one thing to another.

The Family Dollar Distribution Center across the highway from us has a really long sidewalk that we have been making use of for daily stroller rides.  It takes us about 20 minutes round trip.  I have finally been able to brave the neighbor's menacing dogs with their incessant barking.  While they are always tied up, I keep a watchful eye on them as we pass by.  I don't really care for dogs anyway, let alone ones that look like mini lions, ready to attack anything that moves.  Aside from the dogs, there are sometimes suspicious-looking semi truck drivers parked on the opposite side of the sidewalk, although Ian assures me I am safe and there is nothing to worry about.  Other than that, Eli loves to ride in his stroller, pointing out all the trucks and waving to them as they go by.

He likes to watch them from our yard, too.

Eli has also been busy climbing... go down his slide.  
He has to stop and look out the hole every single time. 


After we got out the sidewalk chalk, I looked over and saw this, where he had made a couple marks and left the chalk sitting right on top of each color.  He can be particular about certain things sometimes. 


The outside toys Eli received for Christmas last year have been getting a lot of use, too.  He loves his tractor, four-wheeler, and motorcycle.


Among his other favorite activities outside are swinging and chasing the cats.  I think we will try out some sand this year in his sand/water table.  We are ready for some rain now so Ian can get a break from work and be home before dark:)    

1 comment:

  1. You need something else to worry about on your walks, Molly - what about red-winged blackbirds?? They used to love your Mom.
