Sunday, December 29, 2013

Christmas 2013

Here is a recap of our Christmas festivities this year:

We were able to meet the newest little McDonald on Christmas Eve, as Jamie and Cassie hosted Christmas this year at their house.  Finnegan Sloan McDonald arrived just one week before Christmas.  

Here is Finn sporting his new little Santa suit (I love the look of anticipation on Liam's face as he is waiting to hold him).     

 A family now of five; Shea and Liam are such proud big brothers!

 Presents everywhere!

The chef and construction worker

On Christmas day, Eli was excited to see a surprise from Santa.

Quite the little farmer

Then, we headed to my mom and dad's to celebrate Christmas with our family.

Santa stopped by for a visit without a tear even being shed by Eli;
in fact, I think they have now become friends.

Lastly, we wrapped up the celebrating today 
with my mom's side of the family.

 Playing with one of his favorites, Anna

 Eli was intrigued by the remote control helicopter.  
If you look closely, you can see it in midair.

 Thanks for the train set, Paige!

 My mom and her brothers and sisters

Looking at these pictures again, I think of the family and legacy Grandma and Grandpa Winter have created and know they are looking down on all of us. 

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