Sunday, February 23, 2014

Natural Highs

I have been contemplating venturing more into the realm of expanding on my blog topics.  Plus, writing is really an outlet for me, which I find is the best way to express myself since I have a chance to compose my thoughts first.  

This blog post features a list of things I would consider to be natural highs for me.  These could also be referred to as guilty pleasures, in other words, things that make me really truly happy.  

I remember when I was younger experiencing this feeling the day of my birthday, where the whole day just felt magical or even the special feeling of waking up on Christmas morning.  Other natural highs for me as a kid included piano lesson day and having art class on Fridays.  As for the "birthday high," I would say this special feeling ended for me around age 22, when the day of my birthday just started feeling like a regular, ordinary day.   

Here is a list I compiled of my natural highs now:

Reading a really good book or seeing a movie that keeps my interest from beginning to end.

 24 Hours:  This book based on a kidnapping is filled with suspense, a real page-turner.

Nineteen Minutes:  This book, while fiction, revolves around a school shooting and is written in the omniscient point of view, so you are able to get into the minds of all the characters.  The plot consists of lots of twists and turns and results in a surprise ending. 

The Illusionist:  While I am not a big fan of supernatural/magical powers being used in movies, this one ties those together in a well-crafted way to tell a Romeo and Juliet-type story.  

Ted:  This movie had me laughing out loud - a lot!  Rarely does that happen.  It definitely deserves its "R" rating due to the crude humor, but I would give it 5 stars for the creative and comical story line. 

Finding out one of my favorite TV shows (such as Undercover Boss) is on while searching through the list and then realizing it is part of a marathon.

Coming across an E-card or BuzzFeed post that I can totally relate to; I have even become a victim of the BuzzFeed quizzes if the title captures my interest right away.

A burst of energy and ambition, similar to the nesting instinct when pregnant, that allows me to get my entire to-do list crossed off (only to soon be replaced by a new to-do list). 

Enjoying a freshly cleaned house that has even been dusted and vacuumed complete with all laundry done (even if for just a fleeting moment before clothes hampers become occupied again or toys get taken out of their spots).

Going through the house and getting rid of things we don't need anymore and then donating the whole heap to Goodwill.

Hearing a homily at mass that speaks directly to me, offering advice on exactly what I needed to hear that day.  (If that isn't a sign from above, I don't know what is...)

Here's one to which only fellow medical transcriptionists could relate:  Noticing the next report that pops up in the queue is dictated by my all-time favorite doctor; a clear speaker that uses a predictable report format. 

Finishing my typing early while Eli naps and still having some time left to myself before he wakes back up.  (DOUBLE BONUS:  Uninterrupted TV time while devouring a bowl of ice cream.)

Discovering I have a new sale in my Etsy shop via e-mail.  I still get just as excited now as I did when I got my very first sale!  I still find it amazing that people will first of all find my shop on Etsy, let alone choose the cards I have created to purchase.

Eli's continued love of books, especially when he can say the titles and memorizes certain phrases or even the names of characters in books long after we have first read them.  

Lastly, the pure innocence and true joy that are captured in Eli's little laugh and also an unexpected hug and kiss from him.

That wraps up my list of natural highs.  Stay tuned for future blog posts in the works:  My Transition from Teaching to Transcription, a topic I get asked about quite often, and A Letter to my Teenage Self, which is a blog post topic I came across while searching on Pinterest for more writing prompts.

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