Friday, July 17, 2015

College Friends

I still keep in touch with two of my close college friends, Beth and Randi.  We try to get together twice a year around Christmas and in the summer.  We met again today for lunch and then went to Randi's new house afterwards to catch up and let the kids play together.  Once Aliyah arrives, we will have 7 kids between the 3 of us.  

Holly, Eli, Lilli, Karli, Lauren, and Carter

All three of us were elementary education majors while at Clarke.  This year will be 10 years since we graduated from college together.  Beth and I were roommates the entire time during our college experience while Randi lived a few doors down from us in the dorm.  The four years spent while at college were very memorable.  I had a great experience, and I think it has a lot to do with being paired up with such a great roommate!  While Beth and I were at opposite ends of the spectrum as far as personalities go (as she was much more outgoing), we still formed a lasting friendship and got along really well. 

It is always fun to get together and catch up on our biannual visits and to see how much all the kids have changed in that amount of time.   

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