Thursday, October 22, 2015

40 Weeks

Today marks the 40-week point of this pregnancy.  I have reached the due date, a day after my birthday.  While I have not felt any contractions yet, I have been progressively dilating from 2 to 3 to now 4 cm at my appointment today while remaining 50% effaced.  I thought I might go into labor on my own this time at this rate, but it still hasn't happened, so the doctor scheduled an induction for next Tuesday. 

During this last trimester, final preparations have been taking place from hospital bags being packed to planning the baptism and more recently giving the house one final good cleaning, stocking up on groceries, and scheduling a maternity photo shoot.

Eli also attended a sibling class at Finley in the beginning of the month.  It was held on a Monday night, so he didn't seem to be the most attentive (I thought a Saturday morning might have worked better for young kids).  However, I was impressed with the 2 nurses who led the class.  They began by sharing a book about a baby's life inside the womb up until birth.  They also helped the kids learn how to put a diaper on a baby doll.  The most useful information they shared included different ways the older siblings can be helpful along with basic safety guidelines to keep in mind around newborns.   The class also included a hospital tour of the maternity ward.  The night concluded with each of the kids creating a birthday card for the new little siblings.  Other souvenirs included handmade rattles they each picked out and a coloring book and certificate to take home.  

With Emma's arrival in September and Aliyah's debut right around the corner, here is a story worthy of sharing:  My mom sent me this picture of a pink flower that she noticed soon after Emma's birth:

At first, she thought it blew out of the nearby flower bed full of flowers Megan always plants for Mother's Day.  When she went to pick it up, she realized it was firmly rooted in the ground!  The first thing I thought of was it must be a sign from Grandma and Grandpa Winter looking down on all of us with the arrival of this new baby.

Megan mentioned to Mom about how it would really be something if a purple flower appeared next (my favorite color).  A couple days later, Mom sent me another picture of just that!  True story!  

Not too far from the first pink flower that started growing outside of the flower bed, a purple flower began to bloom.  She thought it might even be growing now before Aliyah is born before it gets too cold outside.  I have never witnessed any type of sign like this before, but I truly believe it is one from above, especially with both girls sharing the same namesake of my grandma, Ann, as their middle names.

Dear Aliyah,
The time is fast approaching when the end of this pregnancy will mark the beginning of your life out of the womb.  We are so excited to meet you, and Eli is ready to begin his role of big brother.  I wonder a lot about who you will look like; I think you might resemble a combination of Eli and cousin Emma.  I also find myself daydreaming a lot about what it will be like to raise a girl now and what your little personality will be like. 

I imagine Eli as a gentle, protective, and proud big brother.  Since he is 4 years older than you, he has a good understanding of how the family dynamics are about to change.  There still might be some adjustments for him, but I think he will gradually become accustomed to his new position in the family. 

We are looking forward to your arrival and can't wait to begin this next chapter of our lives as a family of four!

Mom, Dad, and Elijah

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