Monday, May 23, 2016

Tribute to Miss Virginia and Ms. Kathy

Miss Virginia - Eli - Ms. Kathy

As Eli's first year of school is winding down, I wanted to take some time to reflect back on his preschool experience and dedicate this post to his teacher, Miss Virginia and her associate, Ms. Kathy.  Eli truly enjoyed preschool throughout the year.  He looked forward to going every day and was excited to tell me about his adventures and what he learned at the end of each day.  The summer prior to the start of school he was enrolled in the Sacred Heart Childcare program which was in the same building as his preschool.  I think this really helped him transition from the in-home daycare experience to an even more structured school-like environment to help prepare him for preschool last fall. 

The 4-year-old preschool program exceeded my expectations as far as Eli's growth both academically and socially.  At the beginning of the year I remember Eli wanted to stay at school longer when it was time to go and even voiced disappointment that it was time to be picked up at the end of the day.  Miss Virginia provided a structured, disciplined yet fun and positive learning environment to help facilitate a love of learning in her students.  I also appreciated her organizational skills which were evident at the open house where she created an engaging scavenger hunt for the kids to become acquainted with their new classroom.  She also maintained open lines of communication throughout the year and kept the parents updated utilizing weekly newsletters.  It was a great tool to use not only to foster conversations about what they were learning in school but also to work on some of the same skills at home they were learning in school.  Even though Eli was only in preschool for part of the day, a few hours each afternoon (which always flew by in the blink of an eye), they were still able to incorporate classroom visits from the guidance counselor on a weekly basis, PE twice a week, music once a week, and a trip to the school library on Fridays. 

Thematic units which changed on a weekly basis maintained Eli's interest.  His favorites seemed to be the solar system and even a unit on laundry!  Eli also worked on mastering the basic skills of colors, shapes, letters, and numbers.  At the beginning of the year his writing skills were limited to writing "Eli" as compared to the end of the year now when he can write his full first and last name along with the other letters of the alphabet, some a little more legible than others.  I have been very pleased with the progress he has made in his writing skills and even more so his confidence in accomplishing daily tasks independently without getting frustrated quite so easily.  At the beginning of the year the preschoolers were also introduced to sign language.  Even his drawing and coloring skills have become more purposeful as he has grown in his creativity throughout the year.  He also loves to cut and glue and do worksheets at home that I either create myself or print off from the Internet.  I love to see how he has become much more intrinsically motivated to maintain attention while doing a variety of academic-type tasks and art projects.   

Throughout the year pre-reading skills have been incorporated in various ways, first recognizing all the letters, both uppercase and then lowercase and then learning the sounds the letters make along with visual cues with hand gestures to go along with the sounds.  I remember towards the beginning of the year Eli was singing a song about the letters.  It took me a little while to decipher all the words but with some context clues I could understand in the song, I realized he was singing:  "T is a consonant, a letter in the alphabet" and "A is a vowel, a letter in the alphabet."  One night I heard Eli sorting out his foam letters in the bathtub and grouping them by "letter friends" which must be letters that resemble each other.  He is also able to identify the sounds various pairs of letters make together along with sounding out simple words to either attempt to read or spell and write them.  Eli has also mentioned various forms of punctuation and is aware of the purpose of each. 

Ms. Kathy, the classroom assistant always greeted us each day with a cheerful and friendly hello with a smile.  She would oftentimes say a quick hello to Aliyah, too.  Eli really enjoyed Ms. Kathy and her help and presence in the classroom.  She could make him laugh easily.  For Halloween, Ms. Kathy dressed up as a larger than life Minion which Eli especially enjoyed since he also sported a Minion costume this year.  She participated in pajama day as well with her Eeyore adult-sized zippered pajamas complete with a hood. 

Eli has wrapped up a fun first year of school.  I am so glad he was able to experience a great beginning to his educational journey.  I hope his excitement for school continues through his school years as I believe one of the best ways to facilitate student learning is through enjoyable and meaningful learning experiences which Miss Virginia and Ms. Kathy provided. 

This summer he will once again be attending Sacred Heart Childcare.  He is registered for the pre-kindergarten program at Cardinal in the fall where he will go all day, every day.  It seems to be a great bridge between preschool and kindergarten with a modified curriculum.  This program is designed for kids who could benefit from an extra year before starting kindergarten and with his summer birthday it will allow him to take advantage of that before starting kindergarten back at Sacred Heart.

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