Monday, August 1, 2016

Nine Months

At Aliyah's 9-month appointment today she weighed in at 20 pounds (78th percentile) and measured 28.74 inches (86th percentile).

She is taking a total of 24 ounces of formula each day.  She has also transitioned to the step 2 baby foods which contain a larger quantity and are thicker.  Lia has been introduced to oatmeal, meats, and grains along with various combinations of the fruits and vegetables she was already eating.  She has been eating the solid baby food 3 times a day now along with learning how to feed herself snacks.  

Lia goes to bed at 8:00 at night and wakes up at 7:00 in the morning ready to start the day.  She takes 2 naps ranging from 1-1/2 to 2 hours long.  

A new interest this month includes entertainment provided by Eli.  Even the simplest and sometimes silliest things will cause Lia to erupt in hysterical laughter.  She also enjoys the other kids coming up to her and talking to her at daycare when we drop Eli off and pick him up again at the end of the day.  It surprises me the kids there still run up to see her every time just as they did the very first time they met her.  The novelty of Eli's baby sister has not worn off yet for them apparently.  

Lia has been babbling more these days.  She crawls everywhere and can pull herself up to a standing position on her own.  Only a few more months until we celebrate the 1-year mark!

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