Friday, October 28, 2016

One Year

It seems like just yesterday we were arriving at the hospital for another planned induction to welcome baby Aliyah into the world.  On the other hand, it seems like she has always been a part of our family.  We are excited to celebrate Aliyah's 1-year birthday!  As far as her eating habits these days, she has transitioned from baby food to all table food now enjoying a variety of fruits, vegetables, meats, bread, etc.  Among her favorites include graham crackers, frosted animal crackers, and peaches.  While the switch from baby food to table food went smoothly, trying to wean from the bottle to a sippy cup has proved to be a bigger challenge.  Even after attempting every single available sippy cup with every single available top for them - including the ones most resembling a bottle - Aliyah, being the creature of habit she is just like her momma and sometimes a bit resistant to change, will only take whole milk from a regular bottle.  She didn't seem to notice any difference going from the formula at room temperature to the whole milk even though it was cold and started taking it right away but we are still trying to get her to accept drinking from a sippy cup. 

Lia is still a good sleeper.  She now averages 12 hours of sleep a night and takes 2 naps during the day for 2 hours each time, sometimes even 2-1/2 hours.  

Around 11 months, Lia learned how to wave.  Her second tooth is on its way and is getting close to making its appearance.  Crawling is her primary mode of transportation, and she has not attempted to take any of her first steps just yet. 

Bath time, browsing through books, and going outside are some of Lia's favorite activities.  She loves to swing, go for stroller rides and shopping cart rides in the store.  People watching can also keep her entertained when we go out to eat.  She gets really excited to see Eli arrive home off the bus every day after school.  He has been showing more of his affectionate and compassionate side towards her lately.  I think he will grow to be a protective big brother.  

The biggest milestone for Aliyah as she reaches the 1-year mark will be going to daycare 5 days a week.  We recently visited Barb's house so she could meet her and the other kids.  This will be the same in-home daycare provider Eli had as well.  While I am very grateful for the opportunity to be able to have a position where I can work from home and keep the kids home with me their entire first year of life it has not been without its challenges.  When they become more mobile and require more attention, daycare seems to be the best option for both of us since it gives them the opportunity to be in a different environment interacting with other kids without me there and I am also able to be a bit more productive especially since I have been taking on more hours and moving from part-time to full-time status.  

This past year has been one with lots of change and adjusting to life with 2 kids.  It has been the most rewarding to see the relationship between Eli and Lia develop as they both grow.  

Happy 1st birthday, little lady:)

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