Friday, November 11, 2011

Four Months

Today, Eli went to his 4-month doctor's appointment (the reason for the delayed 4-month post since I wanted to have his updated stats before the post). The round of immunizations this time did not seem near as traumatic as the first time for him or me. He weighed in today at 18 pounds and 13 ounces and measured 27 inches long.

As for his feeding pattern, Elijah is still eating about every 3 hours and takes 5 ounces at a time.

He is sleeping at night now usually for an 11-hour stretch from 8:00 at night to 7:00 in the morning. He will still usually take a short morning nap and then a longer afternoon nap. He has not been taking his usual late afternoon nap as often anymore.

Eli is pretty good at entertaining himself now for longer periods of time. He is usually a very content little boy and loves to laugh and smile. He has just started rolling over from front to back.

As each month passes by, it has been more fun with each new milestone and his growing independence. Eli's little personality has really started to take shape. I think he will be a lot like his dad, friendly and easygoing:)

1 comment:

  1. Cute pictures! I had to laugh when you said he weighed 18 pounds at his most recent appointment. Sylvia just got past 18 pounds at her last appointment :)
