Friday, July 20, 2012

Quick Update

We took Elijah to his 1-year doctor's appointment today.  He weighed in at 27 pounds, 10 ounces, placing him in the 95th percentile.  He measured 32-1/2 inches.  Both his height and head circumference were at the top of the growth chart.  Not only did he receive 4 immunizations, he also had his finger pricked to check for anemia.  He was a brave boy, though, and is proudly displaying his sticker the nurse gave him on his shirt:


He received a good report from the doctor, and the best part was that the skin adhesions that had been forming as a result of his circumcision were not an issue anymore.  At his last couple of appointments, the skin had to be pulled back and unattached again by the doctor.  This time, I was bracing myself for it to have to be done again, but luckily he said it looked good, so hopefully it will not be a recurrent problem anymore.  (Eli may not appreciate me including this detail as part of the blog update, but I was so glad it was resolved!)

We stopped at McDonald's for lunch on our way to Dubuque, and Eli experienced his first hamburger happy meal, which he seemed to enjoy.  I had to keep the teeny-tiny fry container as a souvenir as part of his baby memorabilia.  It is a little hard to tell in the picture, but it was seriously only a few inches tall. 


1 comment:

  1. Awww, awesome! He's bigger than Sylvia by a few pounds, how crazy is that :) The fry container is super cute, I love saving little stuff like that.
