Sunday, November 18, 2012

Another Play Date

On Saturday, two of my friends from college, Beth and Randi, came with their families over to our house for supper.  It was fun to get all 4 of the kids together.  Eli was a little outnumbered with the 3 other girls, but they seemed to all have fun nonetheless.  

Lauren was all smiles all night long:)

Eli became very interested in what was in her diaper bag.

Eli showed the girls his new discovery, a hiding spot.  He actually fits his entire body inside, closes the door, and then will usually wait for you to ask where he is before popping back out.

Holli and Lilli enjoyed the activity table.

They also enjoyed throwing the ball into the tub, with Eli cheering them on by clapping.

Lilli's underwater work of art

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