Monday, September 16, 2013

Tried and True

Over the past few weeks, I have been trying out different recipes I have pinned on Pinterest.  My mom is always searching for and finding really good meal ideas and dessert recipes on this site and they always turn out so tasty! 

The recipes below are ones that caught my eye.  I have tried these out and they truly did turn out as good as the picture AND even passed Ian's taste test!  He is not usually big on desserts, but he really liked these.

First, a picture of my baking assistant:
 (Great Grandma McDonald would be proud)

Now, for the recipes...if you click on the title of the pictures, it will take you to the link with the website that includes the recipe.

To be honest, the rolls I made did not look quite this symmetrical.  They were a little misshaped but still tasted pretty close to the actual ones, albeit a little heavy on the flour, which I think gave them a bit of a doughy texture.

A long time ago when I first started pinning recipes, I came across the "rainbow cake."  

I thought it looked so neat and would be fun to make.  Here was my attempt:

I'm not sure how they got such bold, vibrant colors when mine turned out more pastel.  More food coloring maybe?

I have also attempted to create cake pops, but they were not even really photo-worthy.  I have yet to discover the trick to making a truly rounded cake pop after it has been dipped.  Mine turned out more lopsided. 

Lastly, my cake baking adventure led me to try the fondant type frosting used on many of the fancy cakes on the shows like "Cake Boss."  My favorite cake decorating show used to be "Ace of Cakes," which I don't think is even on TV anymore.  I tried using the premade Wilton brand rolled fondant.  It took forever to get it rolled out thin enough to be usable.  

Here is my first attempt at a fondant cake.  I'm not sure how to get the rolled fondant ball border to look smoother...

Maybe I will keep pinning to see where my next baking adventure might lead.

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