Thursday, June 4, 2015

20 Weeks

Today was an exciting day!  We have reached the halfway point in this pregnancy.  During the first trimester, I felt similar to the way I felt last time with Eli - nauseous but not to the point of vomiting.  For me, it was kind of like being in a constant state of motion sickness.  I was much more fatigued this time around.  Once the second trimester started, my energy returned and the nausea subsided.  I felt back to my normal self again.  Within the past 2 weeks, I have started feeling the movement of the baby, not real consistent yet but every once in a while.

We were able to learn the gender of the baby today at my 20-week appointment.  I didn't really have an inkling either way whether it would be a boy or girl.  I think Ian and I were both a bit surprised, still, when the technician announced it was a girl! 

Introducing: Aliyah Ann

While I came across a few different ways of spelling this name, I liked this way the best since it reflects that of Elijah's name with a similar spelling.  The middle name comes from my mom's middle name and my grandma's name.  We will call her Lia for short.

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