Saturday, July 26, 2014

A Little Interview

We conducted a mini interview with Eli based on a series of questions of his favorites.  As Ian said, we probably would have received different responses if we gave him this survey multiple times, but here are his initial answers (along with my commentary for clarification on a few).

What is your favorite color?  Green

What is your favorite toy?  Puzzle

What is your favorite animal?  Zebra (Really?  A zoo animal?  I was expecting him to say dog or the cows he loves to see at Grandpa Sabers' house.)

What is your favorite book?  Uh Oh! Gotta Go!  (For all the other responses, Eli preceded his answer with a long ummmmmmm except for this one.  Without hesitation, he named this book and I didn't even recognize the title at first but later realized it is from his new potty book collection, which we read only once.  It is especially ironic he listed this as his favorite book since we are STILL struggling with the potty training process.)

What is your favorite TV show?  Octonauts (He has only seen this show a handful of times.  I was fully expecting him to say PAW Patrol, which totally captures his interest from the beginning to the end of the show or even Bubble Guppies, the first animated show he enjoyed that he still likes.)

What is your favorite movie?  Monsters (Monsters University; In all reality, Cars should have been his first answer since he has been in love with this movie for the longest time now.)

What is your favorite thing to wear?  Pajamas 

What is your favorite food?  A treat

What is your favorite drink?  Apple juice

Who is your best friend?  Colleen (I cracked up laughing at this one!  I was all prepared for him to go through the whole litany of names of kids from daycare like he usually does when I ask him who he played with that day, but instead he responded with the name of the children's librarian from our local library!)

What is your favorite thing to do outside?  Play with my motorcycle

What is your favorite song?  "Royals" (by Lorde; most of the time in the car, we listen to a CD with a mix of my current favorite songs.  This song for some reason always kept his attention, and he quickly learned some of the lyrics, most notably "driving Cadillacs in our dreams"...thought you would like that, Jamie!)

What is your favorite thing to do with Mommy?  Puzzles

What is your favorite thing to do with Daddy?  Play

Where is your favorite place to go?  Gasser's (a local hardware store that he just went to with Ian the night I asked him these questions; I'm sure this response would be different every day)

What do you want to be when you grow up?  I want to be really tall.

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