Friday, August 29, 2014

Five Years

This post is a week early, but I have been formulating the thoughts for this blog update for a while now.  Next Friday, September 5, Ian and I will celebrate our 5-year anniversary.  Reflecting back on our wedding day, it was a picture perfect, beautiful day.  Our wedding day was everything I had hoped it would be; it really was one of the best days of my life. 

We had originally met through mutual friends.  I think even early on in our relationship we knew we were meant for each other.  I remember going to church when I was still single and seeing other young families there, really hoping some day that would be me, having someone to call my husband and raising kids of our own.  I fervently prayed that God would send me the right man to marry, and that He did.  I couldn't have asked for a better soulmate or a better family to marry into and become a part of; Ian's family accepted me as a part of them from the very beginning.  It is truly a blessing to be living next door to my in-laws. 

Now that the honeymoon phase of being newlyweds has long since passed, we have reached the 5-year mark.  Like all married couples at one point or another, we have experienced our own ups and downs, and we are beginning to really find out what the married life is all about. 

A lot has changed in the past 5 years.  We moved to a new house, became landlords of our old house, both experienced changes in our career paths, and in true Ian fashion, he acquired a Harley and has gone through 6 different vehicles in total since I have known him, including the ones we have now.  He just can't seem to pass up a deal on a re-builder.  The most life-changing event, the addition of Elijah, has been our greatest blessing.

In honor of our 5-year anniversary, I complied a list of the top five things I love most about Ian:

5.  His witty sense of humor.  Ian has a very similar sense of humor as his brother.  They both have a way of fitting in funny, subtle, simple statements quite quickly into conversations that make me laugh quite often. 

4.  Our well-balanced, complementary parenting style.  To be honest, we really have opposite parenting styles that reflect our personalities, but I also think it helps us balance each other out.  While I would consider myself to be more on the strict and serious side, Ian is much more laid-back, easygoing, and playful as a parent. 

3.  His unconditional love, patience, and tolerance of my many moods and also going along with some of my crazy ideas (for example, filling up Eli's pool with 5-gallon buckets of water from inside the house so it would be warm and not ice cold from the hose outside).  He also has a high tolerance to my lack of common sense.

2.  His work ethic.  During the busy season, Ian will put in 80 plus hours during one week of work.  He also helps his dad throughout the year on the farm. 

1.  His dedication to family and others and his kindheartedness.  Ian is always willing to go out of his way to help others.  I even remember a time when he left work to come home and help me reinstall a car seat because I could not figure it out myself.  Without me even asking, he also came home early one day during a snowstorm to take me to an appointment in town, just a few minutes away.

My mind is always thinking about something, most of the time needless worries, other times trivial things, such as this:  Over the years, I have noticed quirky things Ian and I have in common.  (Maybe they are signs we really are meant to be?) 

We have similar family backgrounds, being raised with the same types of values.  We both grew up on a farm along with being raised with traditions of the Catholic faith.  We have 2 siblings each, while Ian is the youngest and I am the oldest.  We each have a sibling named Jamie.  I grew up in a white house with black shutters, and when I first met Ian, he lived in a white house with black shutters.  I attended Maquoketa Valley High School while Ian went to Maquoketa High School.  Ian's favorite number has always been 21, and my birthday is on the 21st.  Speaking of birthdays, we were born almost exactly a month apart in the same year - Ian on September 25 and my birthday landing on October 21.  Our parents were married in different years but celebrate their anniversaries exactly a month apart - April 25 and May 25. 

The past 5 years have really gone by fast, and we have learned more about each other in the process.  Becoming parents really changes the dynamics of a married couple's relationship.  Parenthood has been a gift in itself, and I think it has helped us grow as a couple and become better people in the process.   

Here's to 5 years and many more!

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