Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Four Months

Today Aliyah went to her 4-month doctor's appointment.  She weighed in at 14.5 pounds placing her in the 50th percentile and measured 25.5 inches, 84th percentile. 

Over this past month she has started taking 6 ounces of formula every 3 hours during the day.  She wakes up right around 7:00 each morning.  She will generally take around 4 short naps a day for 1 hour each time.  Sometimes she will stretch them out and sleep for 2 hours at a time and then takes fewer naps that day.  Around 7:00 at night Aliyah will fall asleep but then wakes back up around an hour later for one last feeding before she goes to sleep for the night. 

Lia is working on mastering the concept of grasping toys.  She really concentrates as she attempts to grab onto something and get it into her mouth.  She has also become much more vocal over the past month.  Her babbling consists of long drawn out sounds in quite the variety of tones.  We have heard her first laughs when tickled.

She has been able to roll from front to back for quite a while now but she rolled over from back to front just once so far under Ian's watch.  I have yet to see it happen myself but she can get really close.  

The transition from size 1 to size 2 diapers will be happening soon.  Aliyah also moved up to size 3-6 month clothes too.

Eli still loves spending time with his baby sister.  I am really looking forward to watching their relationship develop especially as Lia becomes more interactive.  

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