Sunday, April 30, 2017

Bucket List Update

In reference to my past post of my 2017 bucket list ( I wanted to include an update:

Moriah the Medium:  I saw Moriah the Medium locally at a theater here where she did readings for people in the audience on stage and I became intrigued.  We set up a private group reading at her office in Dubuque.  I went with my mom, sisters, and Great Aunt Victoria. 

The relatives who have passed on that first came through were those of an older generation but familiar to Victoria and my mom that they connected to; Victoria was actually speechless at the beginning (and that doesn't seem to happen very often:)  Then, the personalities of my Great Grandma and Great Grandpa Winter were described perfectly by Moriah.

While my memory of everything that was said that day is now a bit fuzzy as time has gone on, there were a few distinct things that were said I clearly remember:

-Moriah mentioned Victoria might be dating by the end of the year - the name "Victor" was mentioned which is ironic since that is also the name of my Great Grandpa.

-My mom had recently been laid off from her job and she was really hoping to be called back to work.  My Grandma Winter came through and Moriah mentioned that there was a necklace with a locket on it in my grandma's dresser drawer and that my mom should wear it and she would be getting her job back.  Mom found the necklace with a locket in the dresser drawer in Grandma's house and kept it with her.  She was later on called back to start working again.

-Emma was identified as a "Crystal Child."  (You can Google it.)  Only Emma!

-It was also mentioned that someone is expecting or will be expecting soon - Jamie? - and she might be having a boy (which she at one time mentioned she would be really excited to have a boy) and not only 1 but maybe even 2 or Irish twins named Horace and Wilbur.  The girl's name Jamie had originally picked out was Charlotte which seems connected to the name Wilbur from Charlotte's Web. 

-Grandma Winter also was coming through when Moriah mentioned the word "typewriter" which could relate to my transcription job.  She also questioned if someone was going back to school and that I should go back to get my Master's in reading, which is what I would have chosen if I would have furthered my education.  She mentioned that we keep all our greeting cards, which we do - I didn't realize Megan and Jamie did too until Moriah said that and they had agreed; I thought I was the only one in my family, which is even weird for me to hang on to them since that is one thing a lot of people toss.  I tend to get rid of things that are not very useful or meaningful quite quickly too, but I do still strangely hang on to all the cards we receive.

Family trip to Adventureland:  I think this might be postponed for at least another year as the summer is right around the corner and Aliyah would still be too young to really get much out of it.  As of last summer, Eli did not want to go on any rides at the fair and I don't foresee that changing any time soon, so I'm not sure he'd be too excited about an amusement park.  I think we will stick to our short day trips as usual.  I think maybe deep down I just wanted to relive out my youth again as our annual family trip to Adventureland was always a highlight of the summer.

Make-up by a professional:  I had never had this done before and wanted to try it out and see if I might look totally different - well, that it did but I think it aged me (and not so much for the better...).  I am really not a fan of foundation or lipstick.  I think I will stick to relying on my own skills and keep it to a minimum.

Georgetown Cupcake order:  These were the cupcakes featured on the TLC series "DC Cupcakes."  You can order them online and have them shipped!  I must say they are worth every pretty penny from the extensive packaging (including an ice pack to keep them fresh) to the unmatched flavor.  They use premium ingredients and no preservatives.  I have never tasted a cupcake/frosting combination like this before!  (Okay, so I was already in 2 cupcakes deep before I took the picture.)

Our favorite local band, Reddoor:  We initially had a double date night set up (we thought) with AJ and his girlfriend.  In true AJ fashion, he apparently was told about this too far in advance because he seemed to have forgotten about it and by the time we asked him about it again, his girlfriend already had other plans that night.  Maybe next time...

Increase our date nights:  We are still working on this...It seems when it gets to the end of the week we are both tired and we have both become quite the homebodies these days.  We do usually go out to eat as a family on Saturday nights but we still need to make more of an attempt to find time for just the two of us.

Be on the lookout for a country music concert:  I noticed Luke Bryan was going to be in Moline, but the concert was on a Thursday night.  Weeknight events do not really entice me, but then I noticed that show must have sold out fast because they added another concert the following night on Friday.  We have already seen him a couple of times, and he puts on a great show, but since we are not really much for being a night owl these days, it still wasn't really on my radar.  When this concert is just beginning to start, I am usually getting ready for bed.  I guess we just can't keep up with the young crowd anymore.

Spray tan:  The first time I tried a spray tan was before Easter weekend as a trial for the summer.  I think it's safe to say it was noticed.  I will definitely be choosing this as an alternative to the self-tanning lotion I've tried before, which is very time consuming.  A spray tan is quick, easy, and I think more natural-looking than the self-tanner, provides more even coverage and fades more naturally after about a week.  The morning after I had this done for the first time I was downtown running errands with an extra little strut in my step in my newfound self-confidence now that my usually fair skin had more color to it.  As an extra bonus I found it even seems to bring the illusion of brighter teeth to your appearance. 

Attend the "Hearts at Home" conference:  Last weekend I went by myself to Peoria to this motherhood conference.  Details are in a separate post.

Not mentioned on the original post regarding my bucket list to-dos but something I have mentioned to my sisters is on my ultimate list for sometime down the road - a trip with them - either a cruise or some sort of vacation at a far away destination, just the 3 of us.  

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