Sunday, April 30, 2017

Summer Schedule

While our summer is still business as usual with work and daycare for both (Eli at Sacred Heart and Aliyah still at Barb's), they will be picked up around 3:30 and be home a bit earlier than when Eli gets off the bus from school. 

I came across the idea of a summer schedule on Pinterest and adapted it for us with a different theme for each day of the week.

Make Something Monday - Try out new recipes from a cookbook

Take a Trip Tuesday - Either locally or out of town (although out of town trips will be reserved for Sundays when we have more time) 

Wet and Wild Wednesday - Play with water toys outside or go to the swimming pool in DeWitt

Thinking Thursday - Continue reading mini phonics books/books from library and complete pages in workbooks

Family Fun Friday - Spend time together as a family enjoying a new or a favorite activity

Super Supper Saturday - Go out for supper together

Spread kindness Sunday - Perform a random act of kindness 

Tuesday Trip Ideas:
-Little Bear Park
-Hurstville Interpretive Center
-Niabi Zoo
-Monkey Joe's
-John Deere Pavilion 
-National Mississippi River Museum 

Also on our summer activity list:
-Bible school 
-Adventure Camp (Hurstville)
-Library summer reading program

Random acts of kindness list:
-Deliver handmade notes/treats to:
-YMCA workers
-Hurstville workers
-Hospital employees
-Police officers
-Nursing home residents

-Send "just because notes" to family
-Put together a donation (diapers, wipes, sleeper, book) for a resident at Mary's Inn Maternity Home
-Draw and color pictures for jail inmates
-Leave a "Momma, you're doin' great" sign with a message on a changing table in the bathroom at a restaurant 
-Leave handmade bookmarks in library books for other kids to find
-Leave an inspirational quote on the windshield of a car
-Give out bubbles to kids at a park
-Leave behind quarters on a vending machine

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